Monday, 22 April 2013

Keep Your Boyfriend Interested

Well Ladies! I'm here again with another dating dose for you. This time, I'm going to talk about how to keep a guy interested in you. To be honest, in my personal life, during the initial stages of my relationship with my Mr. Right,  I found it very difficult to keep my guy interested because he is unpredictable, but I found out his weaknesses and used them to my advantage. Later on, I found out that it is a lot easier to keep my guy interested than I thought. There are just a few things that you should take care of and you'll notice a dramatic change in your guy's behavior with you. 

For example, I used to talk a lot about my father as off course my father is my hero, but then I noticed whenever I talked about my father good deeds that he always does for me, my boyfriend tries to do something similar to please me. I realized that I have made it very difficult for him to please me and I don't appreciate those little things that my boyfriend does for me due to which he sometimes acts distant. I changed this habit of mine, started to appreciate him more, talk less about my dad, and my guy returned to normal. 

If you are in a situation where your boyfriend seems to be distant from you, check your habits and try to find out what you do that turns him off. Focus on changing those things that change the expressions of your boyfriend as soon as you bring those things up. 

Here you can find a detailed article on how to keep a guy interested in you. I hope you'd find it useful. 

  1. Click Here To Know How To Make Him Yours
  2. Don't Say "Yes" To His Every R...
  3. Don't Talk About Your Previous Dating Ex...
  4. Don't Talk About Your Father Too Much
  5. Be Natural
  6. Make Him Emotionally Attracted To You
  7. Keep Him Interested In You - See How
  8. More Dating Tips For Women